Indy Dimaano-Simmons, a former member of The Launch Pad Teen Center (TLP), reflects on how her four...
The Voices We Hear: Finding Value within Teen Leadership
One of the most highly sought-after qualities in an individual is leadership. The word itself holds the weight of being attached to big names such as presidents, CEOs, and prominent social activists. While it’s easy to associate leadership with Martin Luther King Jr. or Mahatma Gandhi, it’s just as important to acknowledge the leadership that can be found within all groups of people.
As a young woman who aspires to have a career in education, the leader I have always looked up to is Malala Yousafzai. With her image now recognizable around the world, it’s easy to forget that her efforts as an activist began when she was only eleven years old. Her perspective as a youth was shaped by the world she grew up in, a world that pushed her to take action and raise her voice. Today, when we hear her voice, we listen.
While other eleven-year-olds may not grow up in the same world as Yousafzai, any youth that comes face to face with their own challenges desires change. The extent of this change may seem dismissible, but I believe that if we were to listen to their voices the same way we listen to Yousafzai’s, we would be surprised to hear the voices of leaders.
The youth perspective is one not yet colored by the decision paralysis that naturally comes with age and the growing understanding that the world is a complicated place. The fiery determination of a teen is a powerful force for change, but it also often lacks the focus and careful direction that the experienced perspective of an adult can lend. As a teen, I recognize that my peers are leaders, while also understanding that they are visionaries.
There is beauty in the many individual, fearless solutions that teens propose, but there is only meaningful, tangible impact when youth have the opportunity to not only work with one another, but also with adults who support their efforts and help shape their initiatives without muting their voices in any way. I believe that teen voices can go unheard in a community, not because they don’t have anything to say, but because their voices are lost beneath the amplified opinions of others. Just like any leader, teens need a space that is conducive to meeting with other individuals, a source of guidance through adult advisors, and the resources which allow them to shape and magnify their mission.
For me, this support structure was found within the vibrant walls of The Launch Pad Teen Center. While other organizations include youth in their conversations, The Launch Pad encourages teens to lead the conversations. The Teen Advisory Council, a group of passionate teens who collaborate with the community to address the concerns of youth, represents a diverse array of personal experiences, backgrounds, and passions. Every time I walk into a council meeting, I am humbled by the open-minded collaboration that permeates all aspects of the teens’ efforts.
From tackling issues such as food waste, mental health, disability awareness, and civil discourse, these teens not only acknowledge the challenges facing our community but take action towards addressing them. Teens learn to present their initiatives to community groups, draft professional publications regarding their missions, and embrace the opportunity to learn from their peers. I never imagined that by the age of seventeen, I would be a published author of a guidebook or confident in my ability to publicly speak about the issues I care about.
At The Launch Pad Teen Center, I am surrounded by staff and advisors who respect my point of view and challenge me with constructive feedback. I am seen as a leader not only in my role at The Launch Pad, but in my efforts as a community member. The mentorship resources, breadth of connections, and positive environment The Launch Pad provides has been invaluable in my journey towards bringing inclusivity to Prescott through productive conversation, one which is shared by the many other members of the Teen Advisory Council.
My favorite part of being a part of The Launch Pad, however, is not experiencing my own growth as a leader, but witnessing the confidence that blossoms within the other youth leaders who have become my close friends over the years. These people, even more so than Malala Yousafzai, are the leaders I look up to and aspire to become. I can’t thank The Launch Pad enough for listening to my voice and helping me share it with a greater audience. Thanks to them, I get to collaborate with so many wonderful individuals who not only see a brighter future but are the very ones lighting the candles and leading the way.
If you are interested in joining the Teen Advisory Council, we encourage you to apply using this short Google form. We look forward to incorporating your invaluable perspective!